- Ultra Frontal Hair Replacement Install
1 hour @ $325.00
Great for the professional on the go. Glueless method or adhesive available. Medium Cornrows with 8-10 weeks hold time. Maintenance required for best results. Great for Alopecia sufferers. Maintenance Required. Purchase Hair loss Harnes ...
- Hair /Wig Donation Appoinment
35 minutes
- Ultra Speedy Low Dryer Time Hair System Maintenance
1 hour @ $310.00
Are you tired of staying at the salon all day. This service takes approximately 1hr off the dryer time. While enabling your stylist to seal your edges down without an the waiting. We use a speedy Wig dryer for this method and our NEW ...
- Multi Cultural Luxury Install
30 minutes @ $425.00
The Weave Dr uses a combination of various hair weaving / extension hair techniques to give you the best results. No or minimal adhesive is used and we ensure flat and natural results. Appointment time is approximately 3- 4.5 hours. ...
- Weave Drs Hour of Power
1 hour @ $175.00
Do you want to advance your career and current business mindset. Take our comprehensive and jam packed mentoring session on how to generate and restructure your business for success.
- Edge Hair Maintenance Insurance For Glue Hair Replacement Installs
1 hour @ $265.00
This is for the Diva who wants to keep all of her edges and only want the perfect Scalp. Performed every 5-8 weeks. We keep the cornrows but unistall the frontal or unit reattach. Add new Scalp mold that goes over the clients edges for ...
- Celebrity Frontal Hair Replacement Install
1 hour @ $420.00
This is the ultimate install . Scalp customizing lace frontal plucking , bleaching and hair line lay. Please drift off hair in advance so hair can be customized prior appoinment time. Maintenance Required minimal 1-2 weeks plus ( not in ...
- Ultra Lace Weave Closure Install
30 minutes @ $375.00
Sewing and Gluless method available. Medium braids will be applied last 6-8 weeks. Maintenance required. Maintenance Required. Purchase Hair loss Harness or Adhesive option for less frontal readjustment. Prices may increase with bunde ...
- Full Lace Hair System Installation/Part/ Baby Hair / Slay
1 hour @ $450.00
Do you want lasting hold and seamless results. Add the celebrity option for scalp customizing results. Maintenance Required. Purchase Hair loss Harness or Adhesive option for less frontal readjustment. Appointment time is approximat ...
- Micro Link/ Frontal Extensions
1 hour
Great for the Diva who desires complete versatility and scalp liberation. Strand by strand Extensions are safely applied at scalp while a frontall or closure is added to hair line if desired; for alopecia clients. Maintenance Required ...
- Weave Maintenance *Price Varies Based on Closure Needs
1 hour @ $185.00
For former customers only. Shampoo , glue/ gel removal, scalp cleanser, dry/ style/ shampoo. Glueless/ glue option available. Maintenance Required. Purchase Hair loss Harness or Adhesive option for less frontal readjustment. Prices ...
- Drop off Wig / Hair System Maintenance
1 hour @ $130.00
Do you want to freshen up your unit. Don't try to shampoo condition and restyle your unit on your own. Weave Gotcha Covered
Appointment time is approximately 2.5- 3 hours - Anti Fungal Treatment With Great Results
30 minutes @ $75.00
We have had many clients who suffer from scalp conditions ditch their hair creams and drying shampoos.
- REDO (Can be performed in 5-25 min)
30 minutes
This is for the Diva who may be looking to make minor fixes, adjustments to their current style. Please be aware your appointment time may be adjusted due to COVID-19.
Charges depend on service being performed . - Free Consultation For Weaving/ Hair Loss Services
10 minutes
Not Sure what u want to get done? TOO many choices? Schedule now the Weave Dr. will gladly point you into the correct direction. Any additional extensive questioning after 20-40 min (questionaire, pic photo selection and stylist rec ...
- Elite Sewn Weave Install
30 minutes @ $500.00
Includes the latest technique for volume install full, razor cut define cut, co washed bundles, round brush and roller curls.and ultra flat install. Appointment time is approximately 3- 4.5 hours. Must allow 2-weeks after hair is order ...
- Ultimate Glueless Install
1 hour @ $375.00
Great for the professional on the go. Glueless method . Medium Cornrows 8-15. Holding time depends on client Maintenance required for best results. Great for Alopecia sufferers. Maintenance Required. Purchase Hair loss Harness or Adh ...
- Basic Coloring
30 minutes @ $125.00
Mirror/ Mirror on the wall who's the fairest diva of them all? $95-$175 Basic frontal higlights anf block coloring.
- Elite Coloring
1 hour @ $250.00
This is for the diva who want pure color perfection. Coloring extension can be a very detailed process that can take some times up 3-5 hrs to get the best results. Multiple processes inclueded. Coloring start at 225 caps off at 350
#1 Consultation
- Client Consultation 1 on 1 Virtual
45 minutes @ $90.00
For client's who want 1 on 1 phone consultations. Book on callendly.com/chelsea-y-mitchell . Fill out forms prior to prepare for consultation. Non-interruptive
- Dermascopy Scalp Analysis
45 minutes @ $85.00
- Complementary Consultation for Weave Dr. Alopecia Hair Replacement/ Trichology
30 minutes
Are you tired of buying Units alll the time? Do you want longevity plus high quality with a completed natural look. Have no more uncertainty about finding a reliable vendor. 15 Min Session. Please complete forms and send photos of you ...
- Trichology Consultation For Hair Regrowth Services/ Counselling 15 Min - Complementary
30 minutes
Great for men/women who long to have longer hair and more density. This is a holistic and natural approach for regrowing hair. We will suggest better eating habbits, hair styles , Dht / Inflammation blockers. Start your hair journey tod ...
- Nutrition Consultation For Holistic Services
30 minutes
Are you ready to loose weight, gain more energy and detox from heavy metals. Talk with the DMV Weave Dr. Today.
Cosmetology Meets Trichology Services CMT
- OMG Stimulation Growth Drops
30 minutes @ $35.00
A natural based hair treatment that has proven results . Results may vary for the best results receive more of our trichology services and packaged treatments.
- Gentle Sebum Removal/ Moisture Hair Bath
30 minutes @ $75.00
Helps to unblock pores and encourage better product penetration with growth serums. Also helps to strengthen hair and moisturize fragile strand. Results similar to organic keratin treatment.
- Complete
30 minutes @ $160.00
Includes, Gentle Sebum Remover/ Hair Moisturizing/ plus all natural growth oil to encourage growth.
- Virtual Hair Hair/ Scalp Assesment
45 minutes @ $45.00
Product recommendation , Hair/ Scalp Analysis . Healthy hair supplement recommendation and lifestyle suggestions.
Custom Lace Wigs
- The Elite Custom Unit / Hair Replacement Package
1 hour
For the ultimate extra picky and meticulous Diva who wants only the best and top service. Please give us minimal 2.5 week turnaround (not including shipping time wait. )
Appointment time is approximately 3- 4.5 hours - Detachable Net Weave Install
1 hour
An updated and Less Timely Version of the traditional Frontal and Hair Weave Install.
Appointment time is approximately 3- 4.5 hours - Alopecia Complete Custom Cranial Prosthesis
1 hour 30 minutes
Our you tired of suffering from Alopecia? We have your solution. Get our Hd Scalp Customizing most flawless lace scalp customizing. Our Alopecia complete Unit has our best hair that we offer and the unit is created to fit your head sha ...
1 hour @ $550.00
Do you suffer from Alopecia? Do you want to put your best foot forward at all times? Have no fear our hair weaving club is here. Recieve A New High Quality unit Every 8 weeks. This is a monthly Subscription and must be purchased a mi ...
- Premium Peruvian Full Lace
30 minutes
High quality thick and full beautiful lace wig with thin lace. Ali express and low quality vendors will not stand a chance with our luxury units. More durable units, real hair used in units better quality lace used.
Elite Trichology Services
- ANEWU Trichology 8 Week Beautification Program
30 minutes
Uses Laser / FDA approved growth treatments with scalp visuals included. Transform your dry tiered hair and dehydrated scalp.
- The Elite Trichology Hair Package
30 minutes
This is the ultimate proven hair growth packages. Utilizing ingredients from a internationally endorsed hair system with outstanding results. Must follow your hair doctors advice for best results.
- Trichology on the Go
30 minutes
Great for the Hair loss sufferer who has a tight fit schedule and who would desire to perform treatment at his/her home . Minimal visits every 90 days for best results.
- TRI INTRO Package
30 minutes
This is one of our most affordable packages for the client who wants the best results but who wants to stay in the black. Schedule a consultation for more details.
- Virtual Trichology Session
35 minutes @ $60.00
- Virtual Trichology 1hr Session
1 hour @ $90.00
Natural Hair Services
- Press N Curl and Hair Restoration Services
30 minutes @ $310.00
Includes Silk Press Scalp Exfoliation, Scalp tincrures and Steam Treatment and Llt. Plus Hair Trim Included.
Appointment time is approximately 3- 4.5 hours - Carmel Relaxer
30 minutes @ $75.00
A Non Toxic Chemical is used to penetrate the hair follicles . This solution helps to loosen kinks and make hair more malleable.
- Silk Press/ Natural Style and Steam THERAPY
2 hours 25 minutes @ $200.00
Hair is shampooed , scalp is detox and hair recives our moisture treatment . Hair is then manipulated into twists , flat ironed, cornrowed or palm rolled.
- Crochet Weaving Services
1 hour @ $475.00
Hair is first cornrowed, then synthetic hair is woven into each cornrow for a thick , full glamorous look.
- Alopecia Crochet Weave/ Unit
1 hour @ $350.00
Great for woen who love crochets, but are tiered of excessive tension on hair line and a non seamless look.
- Nutritional Counseling Session/ Analysis
30 minutes @ $250.00
This is a Session where the hair is cut from the cclients scalp. Client fills out consent forms and health questionnaires.
- Monthly Nutrition Program for Beginners
30 minutes @ $75.00
Excellent program for those who want to start a beginner's nutrition program and who aren't ready to do a strict diet/ lifestyle change .
Partner Stylist Services
- Diva Install
1 hour @ $195.00
Medium to large flat cornrows are used for sew in install. Includes 2 bundles. No cut basic style. No shampoo. Services may be performed by Partner stylist. Expect 3-4hr service duration. All sales final. FOR Non ALOPECIA Clients.
- Deluxe Install W/ Partner Stylist
30 minutes @ $245.00
Receive a affordable and durable install. Use 7-12 cornrows. Closures $30 extra. 2 bundle install. Not For Alopecia Clients . Natural results. Get premium install for flatest result $425. ALL SALES FINAL. 3.4‐4.5 service on normal bu ...
- Frontal Wig Install W/ partner stylist
30 minutes @ $225.00
Frontal wig install basic styling. No cut included. No Shampoo All Sales Are Final. For Non Alopecia clients. No customizing included.
Weave Dr Academy
- Boss Up Hair Academy 1 on 1 Sessions
6 hours @ $1,500.00
Want to learn 1on 1 training from the 20year Vet. Come to the DMV Weave Dt. Learn Profitable Techniques Such : Full Lace Wigs Install, Closure Install, Micro Link Installs, Frontal Installs, Alopecia Hair Replacement, Man Weave, M ...
- 1 Hour Of Power Business Consulting
1 hour @ $175.00
Are you at a stand still in your business? Do you want to learn how to teach your target market and excel you current mindset. Book an hour session today to inspire and motivate you. Also help after you complete our courses
- WEAVE Dr Hair Replacement Course
5 minutes
Learn Our 3 Techniques Full Lace Install Alopecia Sew In Weave Lace Frontal Hair System Install You will Learn: Basic Foundation Proper Tools Equpment Basic Cornrow Pattern Alopecia Maintenance Removal/ Takedown Proper Hair and ...